
Tuesday, 22 March 2011

What would be the next successor to Windows 7?

soft has not vet named the successor to Windows 7, calling it only “the next version of Windows”. However, most have labeled it ‘Windows 8′. Neither has the company officially confirmed a timetable for its release. Previously, Microsoft has said it plans to upgrade Windows every three years, which would put the ship date of Windows 8 In late 2012.
This could cause problems (or Microsoft when it comes to its share of the enterprise market. Firms are already starting to embrace and support iPads and the few existing Android-based tablets; if Microsoft waits two years to launch its tablet-friendly OS, it will give the iPad and other non-Windows tablet players time to win over corporate users. Each tablet purchased by an organization may leave a Windows 7 laptop sitting on the shelf.
Former Directions on Microsoft analyst and current Silicon Alley Insider editor Matt Rosoff predicts Microsoft will be in grave danger if its tablet strategy resembles its slow smartphone strategy. He commented:
“It has dire implications for Microsoft’s core enterprise business – each tablet potentially replaces corporate purchases of laptops running Windows, and requires IT departments to support non-Windows clients to connect to corporate applications,”
He further elaborated that:
“Once that happens – as It has with the iPhone – IT departments might begin to question why they’re running so much Microsoft back-end software such as Exchange for email, giving competitors such as Google a wedge into Microsoft’s most important business.”

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