Saturday, 26 November 2011

Kingston Partners with Symantec, EA, PopCap, Maxthon; Rolls Out urDrive

Popular brand in the memory products space, Kingston, has announced a strategic partnership with Symantec, Electronic Arts Inc., PopCap Games and Maxthon. Furthering the partnership, Kingston announced that these companies and their expertise will be a part of a pre-loaded application on various Kingston USB DataTraveler Flash drives. urDrive, as it is called will enhance the offerings of ‘passive’ memory storage on USB drives, and turn them into 'active' sources of gaming, entertainment and other productive content.
Truly urDrive..
Truly urDrive..

In addition to the additional services offered, Kingston claims that the urDrive users will have Norton PC Checkup on their USB drives worldwide, beginning from Q3. While Kingston’s partnership with Electronic Arts and PopCap will give the users an exhaustive, evolving collection of games like Bejeweled 3 and Zuma’s Revenge!.

Kingston's collaboration with Maxthon will give its users access to Maxthon’s 3.0 browser which Kingston claims would translate to a fast and safe browsing experience, as also would come in handy for frequent travelers, as on the urDrive, their cookies, temporary files and browsing history will become a part of their USB drive.

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