Friday, 25 November 2011

Verizon Trademarks “Hologram” – Future 3D Device In The Works?

Everyone else is doing it and it looks like Verizon too could be jumping on the 3D bandwagon if this newly registered trademark for the “Hologram” is any indication. Sprint and AT&T are currently the only US carriers to offer stereoscopic “glasses free” smartphones like the HTC Evo 3D and the LG Thrill and although those phones didn’t exactly translate into mega huge sales for their respective carriers, as 3D technology advances, it’s sure to catch on… right?
In any case, just because a name is registered with the trademark office doesn’t guarantee it will be used. More than likely, we’re looking at a device that could be using that 720p, 3D IPS display from Hitachi we told you guys about awhile back but then again, there’s always the off chance that Verizon could have a real, honest-to-goodness holographic phone in the near future — maybe even the Droid Hologram R2D2 Edition?
Okay, holographic technology using a smoke machine dock wouldn’t be very practical but very cool none-the-less. How do you guys feel about traditional 3D? If glasses-free 3D was a little better executed than what’s currently available, is it a function you would like included in your next smartphone?

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