Saturday, 28 January 2012

Protesting SOPA, Anonymous hacks Mexican websites

After attacking the U.S government's anti-scam website, as a mark of protest against the SOPA and PIPA bills, hacktivist group, Anonymous has now wreaked havoc on some Mexican websites. According to Inquirer Technology, Anonymous hacked several Mexican websites belonging to the Interior Ministry, the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, and at least till mid-afternoon, the website of the Interior Ministry remained inaccessible. The hackers, reportedly were enraged about the specifics of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which required laws against online file-sharing to get tougher. In a YouTube video, Anonymous stated, "We demand the Mexican government not continue with this law because they will take away our freedom of speech and file sharing."
Anonymous to expose currupt journalist and polce
Anonymous targets Mexican government websites

The Mexican version of the SOPA act, as the way the act is referred to as was proposed by conservative senator Federico Doring. Troubled by the turn of events, Doring tweeted saying that while Anonymous did have the right to express what they felt about the bills, they did not have the right to attack web pages. A couple of weeks ago, SOPA and PIPA talks were reigning. In the U.S, the bills earned a lot of debate, and subsequently several popular online services protested against it, since a completely blinding rule would curb Internet freedom. Just this month, there were also reports about the SOPA bill being pulled out for the time being, since a regulators felt the approach needed revision. Anonymous, the hacktivist group has been particularly enraged about the entire episode and the result has been a series of hack in the past week, or so in protest to the SOPA act.

Yesterday, one of our reports confirmed the hack at U.S government's anti-scam website, as a mark of protest, also mentioned that the group had planned to target Sony, too for showing its support to the SOPA bill.

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