The mobile handset division “Chaze” from the K. R. Mangalam Group has launched the C333, a new full touch multimedia mobile phone in the Indian market, recently. The Chaze C333 mobile phone comes with a 3.2-inch touch screen and a dual charging point along with a loud speaker and Talking Tom. It consists of a 3.2 megapixel camera and a 1500 mAh battery with a stand by time of 25 days. The C333 comes with an FM radio, MP3 player with equalizer and a 3.5 mm audio jack.
The C333
The other features, include mobile tracking, King Movie support, Bluetooth (with A2DP), Black List, answering machine and auto call recording. It comes with web apps like Facebook Chat, Twitter, Yahoo! Messenger, and has an in-built Astro Pack, which offers accessibility to Kundali Milap, Numerology, Rahu Kalam, and Shubh Kalam. The C333 comes with 8GB memory card support and can store 2000 names in its phonebook.
The phone is available in a price range of Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 3,200 and is available ex-stock.
The C333 comes with 8GB memory card support and can store 2000 names in its phonebook.
The phone is available in a price range of Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 3,200 and is available ex-stock.gw2 gold
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