Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Star Wars: The Old Republic sells over million copies

Star Wars: The Old Republic, the brand new MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) from developer BioWare was released last month and so far the game seems to be doing rather well for itself at retail. According to PCWorld, this game has gone on to attract nearly a million players who’ve clocked in around 60 million in-game hours. They’ve created roughly 850,000 Sith Warriors and 810,000 Jedi Knights, showing us that the world still goes nuts for a well made Star Wars game.
The force is strong with BioWare
The force is strong with BioWare

When you hear the term MMO, you instantly think of Blizzard’s World of Warcraft that once upon a time enjoyed 12 million subscribers. The subscription base has fallen a bit in recent times settling in at around 10.3 million subscribers but that’s still a very impressive number. 

Besides the Star Wars MMO, BioWare has their hands full with Mass Effect 3 releasing this March along with a yet to be announced Dragon Age sequel and  a new Command and Conquer: Generals game that’s expected sometime in 2013. There are even rumours that the Old Republic may eventually make its way to the Mac so I’d say they have their hands full all year.

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